Deep Breathing

Published on 12 July 2023 at 08:55

We have the ability to slow down and destress with us at all times! The power of the breath is priceless.

Deep breathing slows down your heart rate, allows the body to take in more oxygen and ultimately signals the brain to wind down. It also balances your hormones- lowering down cortisol levels, increasing endorphin rush in the body.

Things to remember

  • Shallow, upper chest breathing is part of the typical stress response.
  • The stress response can be reduced by consciously breathing using the diaphragm.
  • Abdominal breathing helps to control the nervous system and encourages the body to relax, bringing about a range of health benefits.

Abdominal breathing

There are different breathing techniques to bring about relaxation. In essence, the general aim is to shift from upper chest breathing to abdominal breathing. You will need a quiet, relaxed environment where you won't be disturbed for 10 to 20 minutes. Set an alarm if you don't want to lose track of time.

Sit comfortably and raise your ribcage to expand your chest. Place one hand on your chest and the other on your abdomen. Take notice of how your upper chest and abdomen are moving while you breathe. Concentrate on your breath and try to gently breathe in and out through the nose. Your upper chest and stomach should be still, allowing the diaphragm to work more efficiently with your abdomen rather than your chest.

With each breath, allow any tension in your body to slip away. Once you are breathing slowly and with your abdomen, sit quietly and enjoy the sensation of physical relaxation.


A simple way to start a practice is with 4 square breathing. 

4 square breathing is a great practice to start with! Simply breathe in for 4 seconds , hold for 4 seconds, breathe out for 4 seconds, hold for 4 seconds- repeat this practice several times and soothe your nervous system! 

Give yourself the gift of relaxation and happy breathing! 


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