
Published on 2 October 2023 at 16:30


Journaling provides a safe environment that enables you to express yourself and process things on your own! 

Other benefits

  • Calming and clearing your mind;
  • Releasing pent-up feelings and everyday stress;
  • Letting go of negative thoughts;
  • Exploring your experiences with anxiety;
  • Writing about your struggles and your successes;
  • Improving your focus
  • Helping you look inward
  • Increasing positive thoughts
  • Decreasing negative thoughts
  • Allowing you to be more reflective

Tips to start

  • Decide how you’ll journal. When you picture writing in a journal, you probably see yourself handwriting your thoughts. But that’s not the only way you can write! Using a computer and typing your journal is perfectly acceptable. Pick whatever method makes you feel most at ease.
  • Make yourself comfortable. Once you know how you’ll how you’ll write, find a comfortable place to start. You can lay in your bed, stand at your kitchen counter, or sit at your desk. The location in which you journal doesn’t matter as long as you’re comfortable and away from distractions.
  • Pick a topic. Decide what you’ll write about today. You can come up with your own topics, let your mind flow freely, or use a mindfulness journal prompt to spark your creativity, 
  • Set a timer. Give yourself a set amount of time to write. This will help you stay on track and prevent you from spending too much time on one journal entry.  We like to journal as part of our morning routine. 
  • Don’t edit yourself. The point of mindfulness journaling is to give yourself a chance to be introspective and in the moment. That means writing exactly what you think and feel without editing your thoughts. There’s no need to worry about grammar, spelling, or punctuation either. If you want to make edits to your entry after your writing time is up, go for it!

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Crystal 5202526393
10 months ago

Thank you!!! I’m gonna try