Get out and do things!

Published on 2 June 2024 at 07:08

This week I wanted to touch on isolation. Social Connection is important for mental health and overall well being. It is tough at times to stick to a routine, carve out time for things, or to stay connected with others. All of these things are so important. Isolation can be a slippery slope as well, disconnecting and staying in can lead to patterns and impact mental health. Isolation can start slowly as people start to withdraw.  It is a hard balance to keep active connections and also have time to recharge.

What are some signs that someone may be isolating? 

* No longer participating in activites 

* Rarely communicating with others

* Spending a lot of time alone in the day 

* Lack of deep connections with others 

* Lacking social contact

* Overwhelmed by contact 

 What are some things that contribute to isolation? 

* Environemtal factors  (such as working from home, living in a remote area)

* Pesence of mental health issues (such as depression or anxiety) 

* High stress 

* Medical issues

* Low self esteem (such as feeling rejected or like a burden to others) 

* Burn out 

* Life changes (such as retirement, relationship changes) 

What are some suggestions to help with isolation? 

* Be intentional with time and effort 

* Connect with a friend / family member ( make a goal to reach out to 3 people per week )

* Plan things to look forward to 

* Get out of the house (even for a little bit) 

* Go for a walk 

* Pay attention to your body/ energy so you can balance connections and also recharge 

* Try a new activity 

* Volunteer

* Join a support group 

* Get a pet 

Humans are social beings and although all differnet unique, do require some level of connection. I think it is important to know yourself and know what this looks like to keep youfeeling your best. Pay attention to self talk and be mindful and intentional to get out and about and reach out to your people. 

Warmly, Jen 




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