Taking a break

Published on 26 November 2023 at 04:40

Hello dear ones,

Taking a moment to share that we are taking a posting break through the holidays! This is a great time of year to reflect on your values and goals and to slow down a bit to find some stillness. Taking a break can look different for people, and only you know what that may look like and what you may need in this moment. During a busy time of year, as we have already entered fall, passed Halloween ,and passed Thanksgiving- I feel it necessary to disconnect to connect. Quality time and presence are where memories are made. The quantity of time does not matter if you are not present and connecting. Take a moment to think about what you would like your last month of 2023 to look like- with intention. May you find awe inspiring moments and be filled with love and light this season. See you soon dear ones and blessings for a safe and happy year end, Jennifer 

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