New Years Intentions

Published on 31 December 2023 at 08:00

Hello dear ones,  as we welcome in 2024 and say good bye to 2023 it can certainly feel like the year flew by! This is the time of the year that many people look at setting resolutions for the new year. I do like to reflect on the prior year and lean into what my goals and desires are. This is more of an opportunity to refresh and reset. However, I like to pass along  that we can refresh and reset at any point in the year, and adopt new habits and make changes at any time as well. Resolutions can feel cliche so I challenge you to consider intentions. 

Intentions are literally "a thing that we intend to do". There is no pressure with setting intentions and setting intentions can be used as a gentle guide to manifestation in our day to day. Small changes - small intentions - can lead to big things. 

Here are some tips for setting intentions as we start a new day, a new week, a new month, a new quarter, a new year......... 

I think these are great reflection questions that you can think about as you journey into the new days ahead- 

How do I want to feel? 

Where do I want my energy to go?

What do I want my relationships to look like?

How do I want to spend my time? 

Which habits can I shift and strengthen? 

How can I be gentler to myself and others? 

What can I do to take good care of myself ? 

Is there anything that I am interested in trying ? 

How can I add more balance and more fun in mt days? 

With the new year does come the opportunity to set formal resolutions and to create vision boards. These are good options in order to start fresh and have something to track and monitor for yourself. You can get creative and use the reflection questions to guide how you want to start the new year. You can also get a mentor or an accountability buddy to, it is always nice to have guidance and support as we embark on shifts in our journey. 

Whatever you choose to do, as we start this next chapter of 2024, may you have self compassion , intent, and add some moments of mindfulness into your days.......

Share below in the comments what intention you have for yourself ....

Be well, Jennifer 



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