Time to talk

Published on 28 January 2024 at 08:02

Time to Talk Day - 2/1/2024- a day aimed to have  more open conversations about mental health and to talk about how you really feel. It can be hard to have open conversations about how you are feeling. Talking about mental health is good for your wellbeing. 1 in 4 people will experience a mental health problem in any given year. I notice it is easier to tell people we are fine than it is to express true feelings. 

How do you open up to someone about your mental health? 

Find the method that works best for you (face to face, phone, a letter)

Find the best time  and location  (good timing, comfortable location)

Practice what you want to say  (think about what you want to share)

Be honest and open 

Explain what a person can do to help 

Have realistic expectations about the conversation 

What if someone opens up to you ? 


Ask what you can do to help

Be supportive 

Do not judge

Do not spread information about the person

Validate and take them seriously

Having someone to talk with about how you are feeling is really so helpful. You may  seek support at some point or you may be the one a to be the support. These conversations may be awkward at first , but will get easier. It is such a relief to express true feelings and to feel supported by someone in this way. 

It takes time to feel better, and this is a step in the right direction, whether you are in need of support or are the one supporting another. Next time someone asks how you are feeling, take a vulnerable step and let them know a bit of what is really going on, it is "Time to talk". 

Be Well, Jennifer 




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